Journey to Tomorrow
Honoring Our Past, Building Our Future
First Baptist Church of Oak Island exists to make disciples of every generation. Therefore, our church has decided to embark upon a journey together in order to honor our past and eliminate our debt so that we are free to build for future generations. This initiative will free us in the future to revitalize and plant churches, as well as send missionaries and teams around the world to be part of fulfilling the Great Commission.
Message from Pastor Lyle
Our church has a rich history, starting over sixty years ago with the dream to worship on Oak Island. From humble beginnings, God has blessed our church with incredible growth and Kingdom impact here and around the world.
As we look forward to the future, Brunswick County is one of the fastest-growing counties in the state, which means we live in an area of strategic Kingdom impact. To accommodate this growth, our church decided in 2020 to begin a journey to renovate our sanctuary, expand our welcome area, and add a new education building for children and adults.
These renovations have allowed us to reach more people with the gospel and provide discipleship for all generations. But they also resulted in a current debt of $1.6 million. To ensure our future ministry thrives, we are embarking on a Capital Campaign called “Journey to Tomorrow: Honoring Our Past…Building Our Future.”
Our primary goal in this campaign is 100% engagement from our church family. The Apostle Paul wrote, “Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” Regardless of age, we want everyone in our church to play a role in retiring our debt and paving the way for future growth and new ministry opportunities.
Our secondary goal is to retire our debt in the next three years so that we can move forward freely into the future as we seek to fulfill the Great Commission in Oak Island and around the world.
Therefore, we invite you to be a part of our "Journey to Tomorrow" campaign and join us in paying off our debt so we a free to move forward in the future.