New Here? Plan Your Visit

Service Times: 8:30, 11:00 AM

Address: 4608 E Oak Island Dr. Oak Island, NC 28465


We are excited to meet you! Let us know you’re coming! We’ll have a leader ready to welcome you, answer your questions, and show you around our church home.

Whether you are just beginning your faith journey, new to the Oak Island/Southport area, seeking a church home, or simply visiting our island on vacation, we warmly welcome you to FBC Oak Island.

We know that visiting a new church can be overwhelming, and we want to do all that we can to make every part of your first visit go as smoothly as possible! Below, you’ll find everything you need to know before visiting FBC Oak Island for the first time. 


4608 E Oak Island Dr. Oak Island, NC 28465

Upon entering the parking lot, one of our parking attendants will help you find a place to park.

Greeters will welcome you at our main doors to usher you into our sanctuary or to the correct classroom.

Make your visit easier by letting us know you coming, by filling out the form above.

Discover Your New Steps at FBC Oak Island

Join Membership Matters!

Whether you’ve been attending for one week or five years, if you haven’t yet taken a step to be a part of our church family, Membership Matters is your next step.

Membership Matters takes place on the first weekend of every month on Sunday Nights from 5-7 PM.


  • We understand that people often do not bring “Sunday clothes” when they come on vacation so our church sign says “Come as you are” and we mean that. On any given Sunday you will see folks wearing everything from suits to shorts and T-shirts and they are welcome. We are convinced that the Lord is more concerned with the condition of your heart than He is with the kind of clothes you are wearing.

  • Yes. We have a variety of group offerings at First Baptist Church Oak Island. Our primary group time is at 9:45 on Sunday mornings. Some of these groups are men or women only, some are co-ed, and some are based on age from infants to senior adults. We also have a Sunday night Bible study at 6:00p for adults in the sanctuary, and age-appropriate student and children's Bible studies at the same time. For more information on which class best fits your needs, contact us at

  • Greeters are stationed at each flagged entryway to assist you in finding the age appropriate classroom for your student.


    Our preschool classrooms are open during the 9:45 Discipleship Hour. Classes continue through the 11:00 Worship Hour for attendees under the age of 4. These learners gather in the main sanctuary building and are divided into bed baby and toddler classrooms.

    Preschool students age 4 and over join our kindergarten disciples in the Education Wing for Sunday School and then reunite with their families in the sanctuary for the beginning of the worship hour before enjoying their own Children’s Church featuring a Bible story, games, and crafts.


    Elementary students spend the 9:45 Discipleship Hour in our Education Wing in classes that correspond with their grade in school. Students reunite with their families in the sanctuary for the beginning of the worship hour before enjoying their own Children’s Church featuring a Bible story, games, and crafts.

    Middle and High School

    Middle and High School students meet during the 9:45 Discipleship Hour in the upper level of our Education Wing in classes that coordinate with their grade in school. They participate in Bible-based, discussion driven classes that focus on incorporating the teachings of Scripture into everyday life. Students then worship with the greater congregation in the sanctuary for the Worship Hour.

  • Children are a welcome part of our congregation and we value them as full participants in the life of our church! Sunday School classes for children (Birth through 12th grade) begin at 9:45 a.m. During the 11:00 AM worship service, children ages 4 years old through third grade are dismissed to participate in their own time of singing, prayer and Bible study known as Children’s Church. Every 1st Sunday, children join the congregation in the 11 AM service as an opportunity for them to experience and participate in the full service alongside adults. Though we have a children’s service, children are always welcome to stay in the 11:00 AM worship service if preferred.

  • Our standard Sunday morning worship service is 11:00 AM on campus. We also have Sunday School immediately before starting at 9:45 am every week. In the summer months, from Easter through November, we offer an additional outdoor beach service at 8:00 AM at the Ocean Crest Pier (Easter - Nov, it’s on campus 8:30 AM service at the church in the winter months), 1409 E Beach Dr, Oak Island, NC 28465. For more information about opportunities to worship click here:

  • We have quite a mixture of people at First Baptist Church Oak Island. Our congregation truly spans the ages, from newborns to folks in their 90s. You’ll find just about every type of person here – married, single, divorced, widowed – professionals, workers, retired – life-long Island residents and those who have just recently moved to the area. But even more important, the people at First Baptist Church Oak Island are ones who are welcoming and loving, prayer filled and Christ loving. Come see for yourself why we are known as the most loving church on the Island!

  • Our church, founded in 1960, has grown into a healthy and vibrant congregation. We currently have roughly 500 members and regular attendees. Our 11:00 AM service usually has about 200 in attendance.

  • We strive to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere at FBCOI. We greet each other so everyone feels welcomed; we share announcements and church news; we sing hymns and worship through music; we share the congregation’s joys and concerns and lift them to God in prayer; we read the scripture and apply it through expository preaching; we collect an offering to further God’s work; and we take communion quarterly.

  • Please contact if you still have questions, and she will direct you to the correct person to answer them