Student Ministry
Saltwater Tribe
Jesus called us the salt of the earth in Scripture. If students are trying to live like Christ, they must become salty in their families, schools, groups of friends, etc. Saltwater Tribe is for all students from 6th-12th grade who want a place to learn more about their faith while having fun! From mission trips to service projects to crazy games, the goal is simple: We seek to partner with parents in discipling the next generation to grow in their faith and learn to live a life that exalts Jesus by encouraging students to love God more, to serve others, and to shine the light of God's love to everyone they meet.
Sunday Mornings
Join us at 9:45 a.m. in the youth room as our students gather together to study God's Word.
Sunday Nights
Join us at 5:00 p.m. for Youth Ensemble. This is a time when our Director of Music leads youth-focused worship training for our students.
Wednesday Nights
Join us at 6:45 p.m. in the youth room as our students gather together for Youth on Mission.